Saturday, May 23, 2015

Podcast 33 - Bloodsport is the Greatest Movie of All Time

The best movie, ever made, in the history of movies.  Also, let this be official:  my brother thinks - right now - that he could beat up Jean Claude Van Damme.  So, JCVD, if you're out there, and you're reading this, and you're listening to his jabs, I invite you to come to Tacoma, Washington, for a good ol' fashioned street brawl.  Prove my brother wrong!

In at exactly 19 minutes.  Also, go watch the Bloodsport Mentos commercial ...


Podcast 32 - Fantasy Football Primer

We banged out a quick 41-minute podcast in honor of my brother joining up for my fantasy football league this fall.  This is mostly for him, so he can go back and listen to it again in anticipation of the draft in September.  If you're not into football, it's probably not for you ...